A breathing ceremony to release and heal.

Stress is a normal physical response to life, it becomes a problem when it overwhelms us or continues for too long.

It gets stuck in our body causing dis-ease, limiting who we are and what we want to achieve. Tiredness, limited thoughts, feeling stuck, depression, anxiety to mention a few.

To connect into ourselves and who we really are we need to BREATHE, focusing and controlling our breathing enables us to FEEL and to RELEASE.

Spiritually guided this beautiful 1.5-hour healing ceremony is all about you. Connect back into your heart and feel joy again, feel your natural state.

Allow me to guide you in different techniques to improve your mental, physical and spiritual well-being!

Allow me to support you in finding you!

When - Sun 5th May 10.00am to 11.30am

- Sun 2nd June 10.00am to 11.30am

- Sun 7th July 10.00am to 11.30am

Cost - $50

Limited spaces - 4 only

To book Ph 0427081523 or email tanza.moon@bigpond.com