Release Muscles, Release Stress, Release Pain

Remedial Massage Perth

Holistic Massage Perth

Quantum Healing Perth

I am Tanza

Working with problem regions or holistically my passion is to help you FEEL BETTER. The therapies and techniques I offer I have practised and perfected over my lifetime.

A Remedial Massage Therapist of over 10 years and Body Worker has enabled me to see firsthand what works and what does not. I have studied and practice a broad range of Quantum techniques and hold certification in all my therapies.

From the body, to the mind, to the soul, I offer treatments to suit everyone.

Allow me to help you with my therapies and techniques to enable balance and health and wellness in all areas of your life.

Tanza Moon


Contact Tanza Moon by SMS or Email

0427 081 523

Tanza Moon Remedial and Holistic Massage

Make your healing appointment today, call: +61 427 081 523

My rooms are located at "Avocados". Nestled in the foot hills of Kelmscott and on the banks of the Canning River. A peaceful setting offering top quality food, accomodation and a place to unwind for all the family. Relax and enjoy the water lilies as you breathe in this special healing place.


2 Mount Street, Kelmscott Perth, WA